Sunday 5 May 2013

The end or...Future Plans?

Sunday, 10:24 am- it has been one week since I  smoked the last cigarette. One exciting week, with huge oscillations between  being happy and  terrified.  One week in which I made  public all the moments in my life ( not that before I was not using Facebook more than anyone else ).
Today I felt that this mission is accomplished and  I have to move on ! So I will summarize what happen this week in just few words.
 8 days ago I was a person who was smoking 1-2 packs per day and this because I was really  restraining myself. I was always nervous, pretty often depressed  and  with very low self esteem. I tried before to quit smoking but didn't succeed. Now,  after 8 days, I am not smoking at all, I  am more relaxed than I ever was, and I am smiling, a lot and funny enough a lot to strangers !  So what happen ?! Why this time I succeeded what I thought before  to be IMPOSSIBLE? I approached the problem scientifically: first identify the reasons I was smoking in the first place; I realized  then that I was acting like a victim and instead of fighting back my past  I was just closing in and the only release of all the wrong feelings was through cigarettes.   Once all this was clear in my head  I moved to  build the plan of kicking off this  bad  habit. The plan was the shortest ever: don't smoke  And this is how it started!  What happened in this week everyone knows ! I was in hell  for half of the time, where  I had to fight the Nicotine monster and his master, Addiction monster; I did't win the war, but I won several battles. I know the war will continue for a good while, but  I know how to fight  back now !And only because I decided to be a fighter not a victim !  To stop  smoking was just the first step in the long journey of building myself !I want to learn so many new things from which the first is  swimming(yes, yes, I don't know how to swim but made progress last month: I managed to cross the pool without someone getting me out  from the bottom of the pool :D ) .
Now I am all excited and happy mostly because  now I know that I can do anything I want: I managed to stop smoking which for me was equivalent  with going to Moon !!!
I  know that a lot of people read this blog and actually I am very very happy that I got feedback of other people being  motivated  to  stop smoking ! You CAN DO IT (think that most  of you smoke even less than one pack per week !!!! )  And I am very happy that people supported me morally: every time I was meeting someone on the corridors of AIfA they were all thumbs up !  That felt good, something like a big family :)

 So I guess that's it for now; was fun to write exactly what I felt or thought this week: was like having the diary again,  but this time open diary ! I know, blogging is much easier that talk to  a person  face to face  so I have to improve my social skills and not just hiding before a computer screen! But small steps are the key to success ! So if you want updates about smoking or  just want to talk, ask me for a coffee , I am always available for coffee (maybe at some point I should make a blog about quitting coffee-->6 coffees per day is too much, right?!  )  That's it , I shut up now and go do some science :)

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