Friday 3 May 2013

7th day

 4th May , 5 :11 am (exactly 24h since I am awake) I  am happy happy happy !!!!  I just discovered that there is LIFE without cigarettes !!!!I didn't have so much fun since good years!! First of all I drunk, a  lot ...and also a lot of coffee until I got to a kind  of equilibrium(OK...not physical but psychological ;) )      And then I danced...a LOOOT (I NEVER DANCE !!!) ;  then I took the bike back home (world record : 20 min to my bed); If you ever played Need for Speed II maybe you understand the feeling : imagine no lights whatsoever and being drunk on a bike on maximum speed  on hills : was WONDERFUL!!The level of adrenaline was  as high as possible ; my brother would be sooooo proud of me : I didn't crash in any tree or car !!!

And I have done all this without any cigarettes !!!! I am soooo happy and proud of my self; I just broke several psychological barriers tonight !!! Thanks a looooooooooooooooooot guys ;)  I can work 80h per week now! I'll do it happily ! Just because I know I can ;)  I can do everything without cigarettes, this night just proved that  ;)

8:48 am;  I think is the first time in my life when I get up, turn on the music  and start dancing  because I am happy ; Before quitting smoking I read some books about  the whole process of quitting and one thing remained in my mind; they said that smokers are not happy persons, even if the cigarette they crave are usually to make them happier.   I never been so happy while I was smoking; mornings were starting with a coffee and 5 cigarettes; now morning starts with music and dancing!!! Oau, what a change !!

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