Wednesday 1 May 2013

The best day

The end of the 4th day. Today  was one of the best days in my life. Not only because I did what I thought is impossible but because today I was proud of myself. Proud of all the things I changed since the beginning of the year. Proud that I am in control of my life probably for the first time.  And everything independent of  any guy or relationship. I should have given myself more credit before :)  Today I didn 't  feel at all the need to smoke. I was more calm than I ever been after smoking. I started washing everything in the house as I can feel the trace of smoke in all the clothes.  And I biked 36 km :) next week I' ll start running, even if I totally hate it and probably the lungs will collapse very fast.  Tomorrow I ll try another test. I ll go for a coffee with someone who  smokes to see what reaction my body will have.  But now time for sleep! Probably the most relaxing sleep in years!

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