Saturday 18 May 2013

21st day

Sunday morning,  5:05 am. Today are exactly 21 days since I  stopped smoking and also the first  observing  night/morning without smoking. I was pretty afraid  of this moment. Usually one night of observing was equivalent with more than half pack of cigarettes (around 1 at every 40 min when the dome had to be moved ). I successfully passed the test: no smoking ! Actually I passed 5/6  most difficult tests : I  had a coffee with a smoker, I  had a ride in a car with a smoker, I have been at parties with lots of  alcohol,  I had an observation night and managed to have a short phone call with my  family.  In the dark age (the period when I was smoking) all these events were measured in how many cigarettes I smoked  !
But the final battle will begin just next week when I'll have to live in the same flat with a heavy smoker for probably more than one month!Yupiii!!! I didn't have  enough stress already ! I just hope  that by the end of this period he will be a non smoker  too and  not the other way round!
I just have to remember :  3 weeks since I am not smoking and I feel a totally different person: much more optimistic, smiling and with increasing self-esteem.
Recently I was reading some article about habits and how to change them.  A habit is composed of  three parts: cue, routine and  reward. You can't change a habit, but you can change the routine component.  The habit of smoking  consisted of a stress factor as a cue, lighting and smoking a cigarette as the routine and the reward was the  impression of feeling more relaxed. For succeeding in giving up cigarettes, I had to replace them with another routine: at the beginning was biking but that usually takes more time than a cigarette. The perfect solution I came up  which previously was just a joke is reading astroph. A cigarette takes  usually like 5 min plus 5 getting out  in total 10 min at a time. Now, if I feel stressed, I take a break of 10 min reading some abstracts or  looking into a paper on the arXiv. I know it sounds crazy, but it works !!! Soon I might be able to cure even Facebook addiction this way !:D
Friday night I met with a friend which  tried to stop smoking in the same period as me. He was smoking again. When I asked what happened, the answer was: "I am not as strong as you!". Lame excuse, the same I used so many times before!And I really felt sorry for him ! If you read these lines, think twice before lighting that cigarette:it won't make you more relaxed!
I wanted to write some more things  but is already 6:30 am and I am still in  the institute. I guess I should go to sleep a bit and leave the rest for the next time!

P.S 7:52 am ; on the way back home I witnessed the most beautiful morning since I am in Bonn: half of the city being in a very dense fog, no cars at all on the street and everything painted with a  fresh green;  except the lady from the bakery  (which was  extremely nice) the only living things I met were a rabbit,  a squirrel and a crow. The fields between Bonn and St. Augustin were surreal. It is  such a  long time since I was impressed  that much by nature. Might be also a secondary effect of no smoking. I feel so much more alive and everything leaves  so much stronger impression on my senses; and besides I get now a much finer sense of smell ! A new habit will emerge based on today's experience:  Sunday bike rides through the city before sunrise :)  

Sunday 5 May 2013

The end or...Future Plans?

Sunday, 10:24 am- it has been one week since I  smoked the last cigarette. One exciting week, with huge oscillations between  being happy and  terrified.  One week in which I made  public all the moments in my life ( not that before I was not using Facebook more than anyone else ).
Today I felt that this mission is accomplished and  I have to move on ! So I will summarize what happen this week in just few words.
 8 days ago I was a person who was smoking 1-2 packs per day and this because I was really  restraining myself. I was always nervous, pretty often depressed  and  with very low self esteem. I tried before to quit smoking but didn't succeed. Now,  after 8 days, I am not smoking at all, I  am more relaxed than I ever was, and I am smiling, a lot and funny enough a lot to strangers !  So what happen ?! Why this time I succeeded what I thought before  to be IMPOSSIBLE? I approached the problem scientifically: first identify the reasons I was smoking in the first place; I realized  then that I was acting like a victim and instead of fighting back my past  I was just closing in and the only release of all the wrong feelings was through cigarettes.   Once all this was clear in my head  I moved to  build the plan of kicking off this  bad  habit. The plan was the shortest ever: don't smoke  And this is how it started!  What happened in this week everyone knows ! I was in hell  for half of the time, where  I had to fight the Nicotine monster and his master, Addiction monster; I did't win the war, but I won several battles. I know the war will continue for a good while, but  I know how to fight  back now !And only because I decided to be a fighter not a victim !  To stop  smoking was just the first step in the long journey of building myself !I want to learn so many new things from which the first is  swimming(yes, yes, I don't know how to swim but made progress last month: I managed to cross the pool without someone getting me out  from the bottom of the pool :D ) .
Now I am all excited and happy mostly because  now I know that I can do anything I want: I managed to stop smoking which for me was equivalent  with going to Moon !!!
I  know that a lot of people read this blog and actually I am very very happy that I got feedback of other people being  motivated  to  stop smoking ! You CAN DO IT (think that most  of you smoke even less than one pack per week !!!! )  And I am very happy that people supported me morally: every time I was meeting someone on the corridors of AIfA they were all thumbs up !  That felt good, something like a big family :)

 So I guess that's it for now; was fun to write exactly what I felt or thought this week: was like having the diary again,  but this time open diary ! I know, blogging is much easier that talk to  a person  face to face  so I have to improve my social skills and not just hiding before a computer screen! But small steps are the key to success ! So if you want updates about smoking or  just want to talk, ask me for a coffee , I am always available for coffee (maybe at some point I should make a blog about quitting coffee-->6 coffees per day is too much, right?!  )  That's it , I shut up now and go do some science :)

Friday 3 May 2013

7th day

 4th May , 5 :11 am (exactly 24h since I am awake) I  am happy happy happy !!!!  I just discovered that there is LIFE without cigarettes !!!!I didn't have so much fun since good years!! First of all I drunk, a  lot ...and also a lot of coffee until I got to a kind  of equilibrium(OK...not physical but psychological ;) )      And then I danced...a LOOOT (I NEVER DANCE !!!) ;  then I took the bike back home (world record : 20 min to my bed); If you ever played Need for Speed II maybe you understand the feeling : imagine no lights whatsoever and being drunk on a bike on maximum speed  on hills : was WONDERFUL!!The level of adrenaline was  as high as possible ; my brother would be sooooo proud of me : I didn't crash in any tree or car !!!

And I have done all this without any cigarettes !!!! I am soooo happy and proud of my self; I just broke several psychological barriers tonight !!! Thanks a looooooooooooooooooot guys ;)  I can work 80h per week now! I'll do it happily ! Just because I know I can ;)  I can do everything without cigarettes, this night just proved that  ;)

8:48 am;  I think is the first time in my life when I get up, turn on the music  and start dancing  because I am happy ; Before quitting smoking I read some books about  the whole process of quitting and one thing remained in my mind; they said that smokers are not happy persons, even if the cigarette they crave are usually to make them happier.   I never been so happy while I was smoking; mornings were starting with a coffee and 5 cigarettes; now morning starts with music and dancing!!! Oau, what a change !!

Thursday 2 May 2013

6th day

Friday 5:55 am, the 6th day. Sleep  does help in critical situations and..also cosmology lecture notes :)  Yesterday was pretty bad and I was pretty at the limit too. I hated some people which were having fun at the situation while also smoking a cigarette. Because of course I am the one addicted that cannot quit while they can whenever they want . But they just don't want  it ... Or other persons that just have fun at these  kind of situations by principle. And still wonder why I totally don't like them !  Anyhow, I needed to clean my facebook list which is totally outdated.
  Now I am aware of the fact that is not going to be easy  for a while, and last days I just won a battle not the entire war.
And writing these lines is not easy, not at all.  But I  know that years from now, if I will ever have a kid like me, these lines might help  if not to prevent smoking, at least to prove that you can kick any addiction. It is  not impossible even if for sure seems like it !

Critical moments

Today was a perfect day ...until 3 hours ago ! I thought it was over yet, but here  I am having another crisis. I hardly can breathe, I feel like I am suffocating,   I am very cold and I feel a huge pressure on my brain. Everything I can think about now  is the Cigarette! ! you know those moments when you are in love and if accidentally meet your crush you see him shinning and with the hair in the wind ( even if you are inside a building ); well, that' s how I feel about the cigarette now !! I want one , just one, but is never just one ...I cant  breathe!!! I should lock myself in and through away the keys before I lose control and go buy cigarettes!  Would be always like this from now on ?! This is really pure torture, not fair :( Would I be able to fight it this time ??

Wednesday 1 May 2013

The best day

The end of the 4th day. Today  was one of the best days in my life. Not only because I did what I thought is impossible but because today I was proud of myself. Proud of all the things I changed since the beginning of the year. Proud that I am in control of my life probably for the first time.  And everything independent of  any guy or relationship. I should have given myself more credit before :)  Today I didn 't  feel at all the need to smoke. I was more calm than I ever been after smoking. I started washing everything in the house as I can feel the trace of smoke in all the clothes.  And I biked 36 km :) next week I' ll start running, even if I totally hate it and probably the lungs will collapse very fast.  Tomorrow I ll try another test. I ll go for a coffee with someone who  smokes to see what reaction my body will have.  But now time for sleep! Probably the most relaxing sleep in years!

First smile

Wednesday 11:29 am, the third day. When I opened my eyes this morning, I realized that I am not in my bed. Panic for few seconds!!!!  Then I relaxed and smiled. A big big smile, the first one in this horrible week.
I didn't  SMOKE last night !!!  I have't been so happy since long time!!! I didn't smoke!!!   I know that this sounds stupid for nearly everyone  else, but for me is one of the biggest achievements lately. Actually the biggest.   So, I was drinking last night, I got drunk ...hmm ok ok I have to be sincere, I got wasted ... but in the whole period I didn't felt the need for a cigarette!!! At least since 6 years I never had a drink without a pack of cigarettes to go with it. I mean, when I say NEVER, is really NEVER.
Last night I got extremely wasted and didn't felt the need for the cigarettes, at all!!! I remember I got a bit agitated because I  felt the need to get my bike and leave. Took Pablo a while to convince me that I am not able to stand up but to take the bike.
    There is actually some light at the end of the tunnel!!!! I have the first victory, I feel much better than yesterday (except that yesterday I didn't have a hangover)  and seems like  I can have a life even without cigarettes. I must admit that yesterday I had moments when I felt that my life is over, isn't worth   anything anymore without cigarettes. I didn't really believe before that I was such an addicted person!

Now that I know that I am  extremely  good at getting addicted  I decided which would be the next addiction.  Astro-ph papers. I want to see  the shaking and desperation when I don't have anything new to read !
So from the physical point of view today is much better than yesterday. No shaking but actually the coughing started.  My lungs are getting again  some fresh air and they can't manage it yet. Otherwise everything is better now. I am smiling, and I am much more optimistic :)
 I go now to work on the paper addiction. I was not joking! That's my next project : to prove if there is a correlation between addiction and destructive things!