Monday 29 April 2013


8:54 pm. Still Monday. Managed to sleep one hour, but no more. Woke up because I was dreaming that I was smoking. Woke up with a feeling of great desperation combined with emptiness. Never felt more alone in my whole life. The cigarettes, they were always there. Didn't matter  what time it was, what day, what I was doing before...they were always with me.  Now I feel this big empty hole inside.  Loneliness combined with fear gives this strange taste of terror and a feeling that  nothing makes any sense any more.   Is just the nicotine playing tricks on me or this would be from now on my life?   I am terrified.  Must be a trick, so many people are not smoking and are apparently happy!
 I can't stay home anymore, everything here reminds me of the "good" moments when I could light that cigarette, and everything was OK.  Now nothing is OK; everything falls apart!!. I should go back to the institute and work. Keep my brain busy. Sleep is not an option. Not now!

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