Sunday 28 April 2013

Monday(officially) the first day

8:20 am , Monday, April 29.   Today is officially the first day  as a "non-smoker" and  approximately 20 h since the last cigarette.  This morning  was not as bad as I expected. I woke up like usual, did all the  routine things with a small exception: I did not smoke. ( on a normal day I would have smoked at least 6 cigarettes since I woke up  until now).  Even so I was still able to leave the house, take the bus and get to my office. In the bus was a bit tough, I could smell all the smokers there and I was a bit sick,  the sensation of suffocation. Tomorrow I'll take the bike !!! All the way to here,  I could see everywhere smokers and lighted cigarettes:  they were everywhere: suddenly everyone started to smoke??!!
 Yesterday I found out a pretty good solution to make easier the crisis: cold shower and then do crunches until totally exhausted.  Now I have to find a solution for the institute. Up to now is pretty OK;   I just hope I won't meet  my supervisor today !!!
    I worked pretty hard to get hooked on cigarettes at the times when I was a stupid  teenager (they were horrible at the beginning and they were making me so sick) now I have to work double as hard to get rid of them !!
    So smile, suffer and get cured ! In this case really the time  is my  friend.  I know that with every hour that is gone it is getting  better as the nicotine will slowly leave my body.
"Smile, tomorrow will be a better day"--- in this situation is really true !!

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