Monday 29 April 2013

Almost 30 hours

1:12 pm , still Monday. Time is passing so slow; after lunch I  had one of the crisis.  But I am not sure anyone who didn't pass through these moments can understand what a crisis means.  How does it feel exactly? Well , first,  there is this rush through your whole body which gives you shivering and a  need of smashing anything in your way. I mean, ANYTHING! Then there is the fact that your mind is foggy , you can't concentrate whatsoever, everything you see or think is that you NEED  TO  LIGHT a cigarette.  Then you are dizzy,  sometimes  at the edge of fainting . And your state of mind oscillates from depression to hope in   a timescale of minutes!
 There are  moments when I am sure that I can't take it anymore ; but then again what  is the worse that can happen ? Die from one of these crisis? small probability :) I wish it was possible to go to sleep and wake up in one month when all the nicotine would have gone away.

Ok, I need to concentrate somehow!!! Some yoga techniques would have been  very helpful right now !

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