Thursday 1 August 2013

Back to hell II : day 1

Thursday, August 1, 12:31 pm

Last night at 11:20, I had the last cigarette.  I woke up late today, much later than usual;  I opened my eyes,  realized what day it is , remembered what that meant and  said a loud and angry f***! In 20 min  I was out of  the flat,  one of the 2-3 times in  few good years  I went outside without having the coffee first.
Nothing unusual until I got to my office, just the annoying smell of cigarettes in the bus stops.  I could even actually work a bit  before had lunch;

2:39 pm

my brain transformed in  a  foggy place from which no intelligent idea can  emerge.  Feels like I can't think any more ; and all this because the level of nicotine in the blood dropped significantly (yesterday at this time I would have already smoked one pack and I was on the way for the second one) ;
besides it is so hot today, "perfect" weather  to impose more stress on the body.

I was always amazed by the saying "mind over matter"!  If only I could fool my body  to think that the nicotine is still there  or even better to erase any history of  interaction with this drug.   I have to do more research on this idea .

Meanwhile,  a  quick overview of the symptoms:

  aggressivity level : normal  (yes, unexpected, but true ;) )
  dizziness level: over the top (worse  than during a hangover)
  pain:  small  headache and   throat pain
 over all characterization : lost in space and time ; in this withdrawal period you are much more aware  of   what happens in your body and mind than aware of the external world !

   So far so good! Now, when it is the second time of doing this, is actually easier. I know I just have to be patient and it will get better ! 3-4 days of hell, 3 weeks of purgatory  and then I am back on the happy side of life !  So let the countdown start !

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